Estavamos pensando numa forma de expor os chapéus recém chegados da marca Goorin, quando nosso amigo e idealizador da marca R3ZIST3M ( aguardem dia 17 estréia ) chegou e ficou enlouquecido com eles. Queria comprar todos, em especial o de palha tresse. Resolvi usa-lo então como nosso top model guerrilha peruano para apresentá-los.
Homegrown was born of the idea to bind together clothing store, art gallery, and independent music in one united store. The main idea was to, promote gatherings of people that are not influenced by the society mass in one democratic, and urban space which express authenticity, originality, and interact with the modern life style.
(5521) 2513-2160
Rua Maria Quitéria 68 sobreloja